
Dublin 2017!

Entre el 18 i el 22 d'abril 39 dels nostres alumnes de 4t d'ESO han gaudit d'uns dies a Dublin junt amb 4 dels seus professors. Han sigut uns dies intensos i molt ben aprofitats, treballant el Projecte de Recerca de 4t d'ESO, coneixent les seves famílies d'acollida i visitant la ciutat.

Aquí us deixem amb un resum de l'experiència i fotos d'una de les seves participants, Alba Santigosa.

DUBLIN PROJECT 2017: An incredible travel

It has simply been a unique experience. This travel to Dublin has been one of the moments in life, which you don’t want to finish. Not just for travelling with friends, it is more than this. You have the opportunity to see a completely different way of life, a chance to meet new people and to live with them, the opportunity to open your mind to a new world, and to realize that there is more world behind your boundaries.

We have enjoyed this travel in a 100%: visiting all the monuments and factories (such as the National Gallery, The Guinness Factory or the Vikings museum), playing fantastic Irish Games, walking through the city and without letting our eyes to lose any single detail from this awesome place, Dublin. Or even just living a fantastic experience with our host families, who have treated us with real love.

Each experience has been different, but I am completely sure that we all have enjoyed the Dublin’s Project in the same way. We would have stayed there for a really long time… Unforgettable.

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