

Ja tenim amb nosaltres els nous Auxiliars de Conversa d'aquest any. Són la Lyndy, en Matthew, la Rebecca i la Chisara. La Lyndy ens ajudarà a Primària i la resta a Secundària i Batxillerat. Tenen moltes ganes de formar part del nostre equip i conèixer la nostra cultura. BENVINGUTS!

Aquí teniu un petit tastet sobre ells mateixos.

Hello! We are Lyndy, Matthew, Rebecca and Chisara and we are the new conversation assistants at the school.

Lyndy - I am from Greenville, Kentucky. I graduated from Murray State University and teach history and math to middle school students. I enjoy travelling, cooking, reading and can´t wait to work with all of the primary students and learn more about Spain!

Matthew – I am from Wales, a small country which is part of the United Kingdom. I graduated from the University of Exeter this summer, studying Sociology. My interests include, playing Rugby, Football and socializing with friends. I am really excited to be working at this school, and look forward to getting to know you all.

Rebecca – I am from a small village in the South-East of England. I am studying French, Spanish and Italian at the University of Liverpool and am looking forward to improving my Spanish whilst gaining some teaching experience here! I love travelling, cooking and sport and can´t wait to learn more about your wonderful culture during my time here.

Chisara - I am from Brooklyn, New York. I visited Spain for the first time in February 2017, and fell in love with this beautiful country. In my spare time I enjoy exercising, dancing, and visiting restaurants. I am delighted to be able to return to Spain and to share languages and make wonderful memories with you all. 

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