
My name is Kevina, I am currently studying Spanish, French and Italian at the University of Salford Manchester, however I am originally from Liverpool.  Currently working at the primary school of Padre Damian Sagrados Corazones as an English conversation assistant for fifth and sixth grade, and also working in arts and crafts lessons from first to fourth grade. I am enjoying my experience teaching the children, and staying with my amazing family, all of this has made the experience of living in a foreign country easier to adapt to.



Ghost, witch, jack-o'-lantern (pumpkin)...Halloween ja ha arribat i els nens i nenes de P4 i P5 hem gaudit d'ell al llarg d'aquesta setmana, Mireu les nostres creacions!!

Ghost, witch and pumpkin

P4A- Tigers

Ghost, witch and pumpkin

P5A- Giraffes