Benvinguts al blog del Col·legi Padre Damián sobre l'Escola Multilingüe
Happy Halloween
Els nostres alumnes han treballat amb les seves teachers la festivitat de Halloween, i us desitgen que passeu una nit terroríficament genial!!!
Coneixem millor els nostres auxiliars de conversa!
Fa uns dies presentavem els nostres auxiliars de conversa per al curs 15-16.
En aquella publicació compartien amb nosaltres la seva presentació la Suzanne i el Marcell. Avui és el torn de la Sheri i la Priscilla!
Hello! My name is Sheri, I'm from London and I'm 22 years old. I have recently graduated from the University of Bath with a BSc in Social Sciences. I have come to Spain to teach English in this school while also travelling and learning about Spanish culture. When I eventually move back to London, I would like to work for a charity and campaign for their cause. I love travelling, I have been to a lot of countries and last year I travelled around Europe on the train for 5 weeks. I also like running, swimming and cooking. My favourite food is fish and chips and my favourite drink is tea. I'm looking forward to spending the year at Padre Damian and learning more about Spain!
My name is Priscilla MacCarthy and I'm 20 years old. I was born and raised in London but I'm currently a student at Manchester city's Salford University studying Law with Spanish. I came to Barcelona as part of my university course; I must go abroad for a year to a Spanish speaking country and blog it, hopefully practising and improving my Spanish along the way. I am in Barcelona for 3 months and then I will go to Madrid to the Universitat de Comillas to study some courses in Spanish! (Luckily I don't have to pass anything while I'm there, but I'll certainly try to!)
I am currently staying with a family in Sant Feliu de Llobegrat and I'm having the best time. This town is much quieter than what I am used to but it also has a lot of shops and a great public transport service so I have the perfect balance as I'm a city girl! I couldn't have asked for a better family to be staying with, it is almost like they have adopted me as their own and I'm very grateful to them for that.
Teaching so far has also been a great experience. I teach the Primary school, an age group that I am very used to as I have twin little brothers who are 10 years old and I've grown up teaching them and helping them with their homework. Teaching English is amazing when you are seeing the progress of the students and their enthusiasm. I have done so many new things that I have never done before and I'm very excited to see what else this journey will bring.
En aquella publicació compartien amb nosaltres la seva presentació la Suzanne i el Marcell. Avui és el torn de la Sheri i la Priscilla!
Hello! My name is Sheri, I'm from London and I'm 22 years old. I have recently graduated from the University of Bath with a BSc in Social Sciences. I have come to Spain to teach English in this school while also travelling and learning about Spanish culture. When I eventually move back to London, I would like to work for a charity and campaign for their cause. I love travelling, I have been to a lot of countries and last year I travelled around Europe on the train for 5 weeks. I also like running, swimming and cooking. My favourite food is fish and chips and my favourite drink is tea. I'm looking forward to spending the year at Padre Damian and learning more about Spain!
My name is Priscilla MacCarthy and I'm 20 years old. I was born and raised in London but I'm currently a student at Manchester city's Salford University studying Law with Spanish. I came to Barcelona as part of my university course; I must go abroad for a year to a Spanish speaking country and blog it, hopefully practising and improving my Spanish along the way. I am in Barcelona for 3 months and then I will go to Madrid to the Universitat de Comillas to study some courses in Spanish! (Luckily I don't have to pass anything while I'm there, but I'll certainly try to!)
I am currently staying with a family in Sant Feliu de Llobegrat and I'm having the best time. This town is much quieter than what I am used to but it also has a lot of shops and a great public transport service so I have the perfect balance as I'm a city girl! I couldn't have asked for a better family to be staying with, it is almost like they have adopted me as their own and I'm very grateful to them for that.
Teaching so far has also been a great experience. I teach the Primary school, an age group that I am very used to as I have twin little brothers who are 10 years old and I've grown up teaching them and helping them with their homework. Teaching English is amazing when you are seeing the progress of the students and their enthusiasm. I have done so many new things that I have never done before and I'm very excited to see what else this journey will bring.
Experiment de Science --> 2a part!
Els nens i nenes de cinquè han descober el resultat de l'experiment que van iniciar dijous... Aquí teniu l'entrada on expliquem l'experiment.
Una imatge val més que mil paraules.... Aquí teniu les fotos. No us perdeu les seves cares!!!
Una imatge val més que mil paraules.... Aquí teniu les fotos. No us perdeu les seves cares!!!
Experiments de Science a 5è
Els nens i nenes de 5è C han fet un experiment molt xulo a Science. Com sabeu, des d'aquest curs, les ciències naturals són en anglès i els alumnes estan treient molt profit!
Han fet un "estómac" per descobrir com funciona un estómac a l'hora de fer la digestió.
Han fet un "estómac" per descobrir com funciona un estómac a l'hora de fer la digestió.
Així, han anat al laboratori on han desenvolupat una hipòtesi respecte a la funció del nostre estòmac.
Tots i totes han portat pa o crackers de casa, ho han posat a dins d'un globus, després han posat aigua i l'han tancat.
Han fet un petit massatge als globus amb les mans i s'han adonat que tot el que hi havia a dins anava agafant una textura tova. Han hagut d'esperar una estoneta però després ho han vist!
Demà, és a dir, 24 hores després, punxaran els globus i veuran el que es trobem... (continuarà...)
Ja fa unes setmanes que podem veure per l'escola els nostres nous auxiliars de conversa que ens acompanyaran durant aquest curs.
Moltes gràcies a les famílies de l'escola que fan l'acollida, de ben segur que treuran molt profit d'aquesta experiència, igual que tots els alumnes de l'escola.
Avui compartim unes paraules de la Suzanne i el Marcell:
Moltes gràcies a les famílies de l'escola que fan l'acollida, de ben segur que treuran molt profit d'aquesta experiència, igual que tots els alumnes de l'escola.
Avui compartim unes paraules de la Suzanne i el Marcell:
I'm Marcell and I'll be working as a conversation assistant
at Padre Damian until June 2016. I am a UK citizen and come from a town called
Ipswich which is quite a contrast to Barcelona, especially in terms of size and
I decided to apply for the job as a conversation assistant a year after graduating from university where I studied English literature. I spent the last year working as an insurance salesman and also doing part-time work in a theatre. Although I love my home-town and will greatly miss my family and friends I felt it was time for an adventure in a new location.
In my free-time I enjoy reading, especially the works of William Shakespeare. I also listen to a lot of music, mainly Hip-Hop. I support Arsenal football club and particularly like their skill-full and patient style of football.
I'm very excited to help the students of Padre Damian improve their English vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, while having lots of fun in the process!
I decided to apply for the job as a conversation assistant a year after graduating from university where I studied English literature. I spent the last year working as an insurance salesman and also doing part-time work in a theatre. Although I love my home-town and will greatly miss my family and friends I felt it was time for an adventure in a new location.
In my free-time I enjoy reading, especially the works of William Shakespeare. I also listen to a lot of music, mainly Hip-Hop. I support Arsenal football club and particularly like their skill-full and patient style of football.
I'm very excited to help the students of Padre Damian improve their English vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, while having lots of fun in the process!
My name is Suzanne Vettrino and I come from a small town
called Musselburgh which is roughly 20 minutes outside of Edinburgh in
Scotland. I am 21 years old and I recently graduated from Edinburgh Napier
University with an Accounting Degree.
I visited Barcelona last year with my family and loved the
city so being able to teach within the spanish culture really excites me. I
hope to become an Accounting lecturer in Scotland and this experience allows me
to teach all ages.
I am very active and when I have spare time I like to go
running and swimming. I would like to learn some Spanish during my stay and
hopefully learn a lot more about the Spanish/Catalan culture.
I am very excited to be part of the English department at
Padre Damian and I am looking forward to getting to know you all.
Welcome back! Nou curs, noves il·lusions
Aquest curs tornem a l'escola incorporant noves iniciatives al projecte multilingüe. Una de les més importants és que 50 alumnes d'entre 3r d'ESO i 1r de Batxillerat han començat a cursar el Batxillerat Dual.
El programa es cursa a l'escola a través de l'organització Academica. Els nostres alumnes treballen de manera virtual amb un tutor nordamericà que guia els seus estudis. Depenent de la opció escollida, es cursen les 6 matèries necessàries en 2, 3 o 4 cursos. La finalitat del programa és preparar els estudiants per adquirir els millors nivells de competència. A més, l'ús de l'anglès els assegura un nivell avançat d'anglès en enllestir els estudis.
Estem molt contents amb la rebuda per part de famílies i alumnes d'aquesta iniciativa. Més endavant compartirem la opinió d'alguns dels alumnes participants.
Si voleu més informació, cliqueu aquí.
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