
Farewell Conversation Assistants!

Ara que ja queda tan poc pel final de curs, arriba el moment de les despedides. Mitjançant aquest post, volem agraïr la feina als nostres fantàstics auxiliars de conversa d'aquest curs: Suzanne, Sheri, Marcel i Emily, tot desitjant-los el millor en el seu futur. Thanks for your excellent job this year with us!

I aquestes són les seves paraules cap a tots nosaltres:

It has been an amazing opportunity working as part of the English team in the school. We have all had a fantastic time working with the students and the teachers. We have had lots of fun and have learned a lot and hope you have too. We would like to wish everyone good luck for the next academic year. Goodbye Padre Damian, we will miss you all.

Marcel, Sheri, Suzanne and Emily