Aquest curs
els nens i nenes de 3r hem començat una assignatura nova: SCIENCE!
començat estudiant les plantes i ens hem convertit en científics per un dia.
Hem observat com són per dins les fulles que hem portat a la
classe. Hem vist parts que no havíem pogut veure abans!
utilitzat lupes i també... un microscopi!! Hem après moltes coses noves i tot in English!
Benvinguts al blog del Col·legi Padre Damián sobre l'Escola Multilingüe
Learning plants, is fun!!
Welcome Conversation Assistants!
Des de començaments d'octubre tenim ja aquí amb nosaltres com cada any les nostres auxiliars de conversa!
Aquest any tenim a la Steph, la Rachel, l'Emily i la Sarah. La Steph ajudarà a les classes de Primària (anglès, art&crafts i science) mentres que la resta fomentaran la conversa amb els alumnes d'ESO i Batxillerat. Les nostres auxiliars viuen amb famílies d'acollida de l'escola, i estan molt contentes!
Us deixem amb la seva presentació i primeres impressions de la nova vida a Barcelona:
Hello! My name is Sarah Kiningham and I am from the United States. More specifically, I am from a small town in Indiana, a Midwestern state close to Chicago. In my free time, I like hiking, playing music, reading, and writing. In college, I studied French literature and political science. For the last three years, I have been teaching French in Tennessee and Indiana. Since I enjoy learning languages and teaching, I decided to come to Spain with CAPS. And I'm very glad to be here. It has been a pleasure to get to know my host family as well as the students and teachers at Padre Damian. I look forward to an enriching stay in Barcelona. SARAH
Hi! My name is Emily and I'm from Yorkshire in the north of England. I like it because it has the perfect combination of beautiful countryside and city life. I come from a large family with three younger sisters. I recently graduated from university, having studied drama at Goldsmiths, University of London, for 3 years. I am currently taking a break from education before returning to university to undertake a masters course in social science. The school has amazing facilities and I am excited to be working with the staff and students here. While in Barcelona I hope to learn Spanish and experience the food and culture here! EMILY
Hi I'm Rachel and I'm from near Brighton in the South east of England! I studied drama at the university of exeter and graduated last year. I have spent the year trying out different jobs and now find myself in this beautiful part of the world where I hope to learn some Spanish, meet amazing people and impart some of my knowledge of the English language to your children! RACHEL
Hello! My name is Stephanie Quinn, I am 20 years old and I am from Preston, England. I am currently a student at the University of Central Lancashire studying BA (Hons) in Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish and Chinese). This year I will be working as an English Conversation assistant until February with pupils aged 6-12 years at Padre Damian Sagrados Corazones. My first impressions of the school are very positive, the building itself is modern and eye-catching, the staff are incredibly friendly and welcoming and the pupils are all very talented and enthusiastic about learning. I hope this year I will be able to motivate the pupils to speak as much English as possible and inspire them to continue their studies of the language further. STEPH
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