

Ja fa unes setmanes que podem veure per l'escola els nostres nous auxiliars de conversa que ens acompanyaran durant aquest curs.


Moltes gràcies a les famílies de l'escola que fan l'acollida, de ben segur que treuran molt profit d'aquesta experiència, igual que tots els alumnes de l'escola.

Avui compartim unes paraules de la Suzanne i el Marcell:


I'm Marcell and I'll be working as a conversation assistant at Padre Damian until June 2016. I am a UK citizen and come from a town called Ipswich which is quite a contrast to Barcelona, especially in terms of size and climate.

I decided to apply for the job as a conversation assistant a year after graduating from university where I studied English literature. I spent the last year working as an insurance salesman and also doing part-time work in a theatre. Although I love my home-town and will greatly miss my family and friends I felt it was time for an adventure in a new location.

In my free-time I enjoy reading, especially the works of William Shakespeare. I also listen to a lot of music, mainly Hip-Hop. I support Arsenal football club and particularly like their skill-full and patient style of football.

I'm very excited to help the students of Padre Damian improve their English vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, while having lots of fun in the process!  



My name is Suzanne Vettrino and I come from a small town called Musselburgh which is roughly 20 minutes outside of Edinburgh in Scotland. I am 21 years old and I recently graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with an Accounting Degree.

I visited Barcelona last year with my family and loved the city so being able to teach within the spanish culture really excites me. I hope to become an Accounting lecturer in Scotland and this experience allows me to teach all ages.

I am very active and when I have spare time I like to go running and swimming. I would like to learn some Spanish during my stay and hopefully learn a lot more about the Spanish/Catalan culture. 
I am very excited to be part of the English department at Padre Damian and I am looking forward to getting to know you all.


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