
The Fonix experience

La nostra alumna de 1r de batxillerat Marta Vidal ens explica la seva experiència participant com a representant de l'escola al concurs The Fonix, que se celebra anualment. Ella ja ha arribat a la final! Good luck!

A try at “Fònix” contest- Marta Vidal

It had been almost two months ago. In the month of February, I went to Caixa Fòrum to participate in the first round of the English contest “Fònix”, in which students from schools all over Barcelona participated. Little I imagined I would make it to the next phase, when in spring, I was told I had succeeded. I had been one of the four winners of the Barcelona round!
I have to say that I had never seen the contest as something easy to win, but once I had overcome the first barrier, I promised myself I had to do as well as I could. In fact, the prize is pretty tempting: two weeks at an English speaking country. I read the text as accurately as I could, I tried not to commit any mistakes in my writing and I did my best at the speaking part.
Of course, it is really hard to win, but I really hope to get a high mark. Nevertheless, I am happy enough of having made it to the final round.

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