Amb el hashtag #Dublin16SSCC els nostres alumnes de 4t d'ESO i alguns professors han estat compartint via twitter e instagram les seves impressions del viatge que van realitzar entre el 30 de març i el 3 d'abril a la capital de la república irlandesa en el marc del Projecte de Recerca. Totes les activitats i les estades en famílies natives formaven part d'un ambiciós treball que van començar abans de marxar i en què encara continuen treballant. Alguns alumnes volen compartir també un breu resum de la seva experiència durant aquest viatge tan especial!
We think that the days that we have spent in Dublin have been amazing, we have enjoyed a lot the different activities that we did there and also it was a really good experience to be living, even for a few days, with an Irish family because it let us see how they do their normal life there.
From our point of view, the best activity that we did was the second day when we visited the centre of Dublin, it was very beautiful and interesting and it was a very sunny day so we enjoyed it a lot. We also had a lot of fun playing Gaelic games. We would love to repeat this experience, that's why we recommend it to all of you!
-Núria Onsins and Mercè López Moya- 4 ESO B i C
To accomplish our Projecte de Recerca some students attended a voluntary trip to Dublin, the capital and largest city of Ireland. We coexisted with Irish traditions and the peculiar lifestyle of Partmarnock families. We moved through the Medieval and Viking age (Dublinia), we contemplated the art reflected in several paintings (National Gallery Museum) and we practiced the famous Gaelic Games. In brief, a completely recommendable experience which you can live just once.
-Paula Trilles- 4 ESO B
After Easter week we went to Dublin to do an interdisciplinary project and to sightseeing. We visited a lot of museums and places that were very important to Ireland’s history. A museum which I really liked was the National History Museum where there was a viking’s exhibition and we could dress up like them. Another thing that I really liked from this travel was the Gaelic games. I love to do sport and the Gaelic games were so lively, so I really enjoyed it. I really liked this flight to Dublin because I could sleep with mey friends and we were free for a time visiting Dublin.
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