Avui us ensenyem una de les activitats que més va agradar, que els petits de la casa vinguin a ensenyar als grans els seus coneixements científics. Ens ho expliquen en primera persona l'Irene Perez i l'Oscar Grau de 1ESOC, que van rebre la visita de 3r C d'Educació Primària.
This week we are working on Science at school. Last Wednesday some students from 3rd C Primary School came to our class, which is 1st ESO C, to talk about the plants. They studied them in their Science Class and wanted to show us what they had learnt about the plants.
We watched a video that talked about the plant and its parts and then we had to answer some questions they asked us. After this activity we had to draw a poster of a plant. We coloured it and wrote the most important parts of the plant. It was nice to see how they were ‘little teachers’ explaining what to do and how to do it. They did a very good presentation in English! They are little artists!
Thank you 3rd C EP for coming to our class!
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